Making a phone in Saigon
The country code of Saigon is +84 (8). This area code 8 is used exclusively by Saigon. All telephone numbers in this area have 8 digits. To dial a number within the province or the city, only the phone number needs to be dialed.
Mobile telephone services
In Vietnam, mobile phone numbers follow the format 09y xxxxxxx or 01yy xxxxxxx. The first 0 is known as the trunk code. Excluding the leading zero, the next 2 or 3 digits (9y or 1yy) specify the mobile phone operator. Some mobile phone operators have been given more than one operator code.
The Vietnamese mobile network carriers are: Mobifone, Viettel Mobile, Vinaphone, S-Fone, eMobile, Vietnamobile, and Beeline.
The mobile phone operator codes are distributed as follows:
* 90 – MobiFone
* 91 – Vinaphone
* 92 – Vietnamobile
* 93 – MobiFone
* 94 – Vinaphone
* 95 – S-Fone
* 96 – eMobile
* 97 – Viettel Mobile
* 98 – Viettel Mobile
* 996 – Beeline
* 99 – Indochina Telecom (planned)
* 120 – MobiFone
* 121 – MobiFone
* 122 – MobiFone
* 123 – Vinaphone
* 124 – MobiFone
* 125 – Vinaphone
* 126 – MobiFone
* 127 – Vinaphone
* 128 – MobiFone
* 129 – Vinaphone
* 163 – Viettel Mobile
* 164 – Viettel Mobile
* 165 – Viettel Mobile
* 166 – Viettel Mobile
* 167 – Viettel Mobile
* 168 – Viettel Mobile
* 169 – Viettel Mobile
* 188 – Vietnamobile (previously known as HT Mobile)
* 199 – Beeline
Among these, MobiFone, Vinaphone, Viettel Mobile and Vietnamobile are GSM operators. S-Fone and eMobile are CDMA operators.
Making long-distance calls
To provinces and cities within Vietnam: 0+area code+tel. number or 171 (177, 178)+0+ area code+tel. number (economic call)
To other countries: 00+country code+area code+tel. number or 171 (177, 178)+00+country code+area code+tel. number (economic call) or 171+1+waiting for connective tone+country code+area code+tel. number
Collect call service
Collect call: Allows the subscriber in Vietnam to make a telephone call to Australia, Canada, Denmark, England, France, Japan, New Zealand, Switzerland, and the USA. The charge will be billed to the receiver instead of caller.
Access collect: Allows subscribers to make international calls to USA from home telephones, post offices, card-phone telephones of card-phone Vietnam System. Access code: 120. 12345. Charge of the call will be paid by receiver of the call. Service charge: Customer using telephone of card-phone Vietnam system will pay service charge of VND500/each call (including unsuccessful call).
VoIP services
VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) is a telephone service application based on internet through telephone network. Example: “1717 call” service - 1717 is a prepaid VoIP telephone service, using VoIP technology, which provides domestic and international long-distance calls. Service code is 1717. Customers – who want to use “1717 calls” service must buy a 1717 card.
Useful numbers in Vietnam
0 - National Domestic Direct Dialing Access Code
00 - International Direct Dialing Access Code
101 - Domestic Long Distance Telephone Service
105 - Vietnam Paging Service (in English)
106 - Paging Service Enquiries
107 - Vietnam Paging Service (in Vietnamese)
1080 - Social and Cultural Information Clearing up Queries Service
1081 - Talking Yellow Pages
1088 - Connecting Customers to Consultants in the fields of healthcare, nutrition, drug preventive measures, law, informatics, construction, tourism, estate trading, education and training, intellectual property, love-marriage-family matters
110 - International Telephone Service
113 – Police
114 - Fire Brigade
115 - Ambulance
116 - Phone Number Enquiries
117 - Time Inquiries
118 - Ring Back Test
119 - Advice on Telephone Repairs
141 - Vinaphone Paging Service
142 - International Telephone Service Rate
143 - International Telephone
8234444 – 8230800 - Drainage
8316181 – 8550488 - Greenery
8535500 – Street Lamps
8531111 - Roads and Bridges
Emergency phone numbers for hospitals in Saigon:
International SOS (24-hr alarm center and medical emergency teams) - 8298424, 8298520
Alain Carpentier Foundation IMC Heart Institute (24 hr emergency) - 8654025
Colombia Asia Saigon (24-hour emergency) – 8238455
Alain Carpentier Foundation IMC Heart Institute (24 hr emergency) - 8654025
Colombia Asia Saigon (24-hour emergency) – 8238455
Mobile/Internet Services
151 - Vinaphone Enquiry Service
145 - VMS Mobifone Enquiry Service
1260 - VNN/INTERNET Access Number
1268 - VNN Access Number (Local)
1269 - VNN Access Number (International)
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